Mission statement 

The aim of The Heritage Call is to be a meditation on heritage and all its categories focusing on our knowledge of it, its value to us, and the importance of its preservation and promotion. We do this in two ways:

  • First, initiating fruitful public debates on several important topics related to heritage by engaging a wide range of experts. The cooperation among people who possess different expertise and experiences is crucial to learn how to manage heritage in different circumstances and contexts, as well as how to preserve it for the benefit of future generations.
  • Second, engaging specialists and heritage activists all over the world to promote heritage through the submission of photos or by creating short videos.

A benefit of spreading heritage knowledge in a public audience is that we trigger the so-called “heritage cycle” (Thurley 2005), which makes people value, care for and enjoy heritage. Another value is that it promotes cultural diversity, fosters intercultural dialogue and social inclusion using heritage as a shared language.

Tolerance, intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and more closely interconnected.”
Kofi Annan


Thurley, S. (2005). Into the future. Our strategy for 2005-2010. Conservation Bulletin, 49, 26-27.

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